This album is full of people and places.
It's about America. Ya know, a small idea.
It moves from voice to voice, town to town, heart to heart.
That's what it's about — but it's also how the music was made, with many talented friends stepping in to take the sound where it wouldn't have otherwise gone.
I'm super proud of this record.
Of the people who helped me create it.
Of the decentralized, anarchical process we used to arrange and produce each song.
It was almost like democracy. A bit messy, but all the better for it. I tried to be a quiet tyrant, wielding veto power (which I seldom used; so I refuse to put my name on the album art).
Endless thanks to Edwin Paroissien, Jeff Stuart Saltzman, Bob Dunham, Anders Bergstrom, Arthur Parker, Daniel Adlaf, Anna Tivel, Margaret Gibson Wehr, Rob Flax, and Bennie Morrison.
That's the music. As for the product:
You know a CD is like the log cabin* of music formats — folksy, but reliable.
Get a signed compact disc package addressed to you.
It comes with:
- CD in Eco-Wallet (4 panels, matte finish)
- Design and layout by Tim Huggins
- A double-sided insert with liner notes and an illustration by Anna O'Sullivan
- My signature in sloppy Sharpie on the album cover
- A hi-res download of the full album
The album will NOT be available on streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music until Fall of 2021. But pre-sales will ship beginning in late April, 2021.
* Ghost of Abe Lincoln sold separately.